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Provide opportunities for learning science that students find personally meaningful, interesting, and/or culturally relevant

Organizing for Motivationally Supportive Classrooms

Effectively supporting student motivation throughout the year requires a strong foundation in positive classroom relationships and overall learning climate that cuts across disciplines and the five motivation design principles. Below are recommendations for how teachers might organize their classrooms at the beginning of the year to create this foundation for motivationally supportive instruction that can then be revisited and reinforced throughout the year. Recommendations are provided in two categories: the physical set-up of the classroom and “first-weeks” activities that are best introduced to students early in the academic year and then revisited periodically. Ideas are tagged with color-coded dots showing the alignment with MDPs.

Relevance Classroom Organization

Physical Organization and Set-Up of the Classroom

Making Classroom Values and Norms Visible
Display images and examples of a diverse array of people in science, engineering, and related fields/careers with whom students in the class can identify, including local examples where possible.
  • For example, highlight a different scientist each week, taking student nominations and being sure to include diverse representations of gender, race/ethnicity, culture
Display photographs of or resources about targeted phenomena from many different communities and leave an open invitation for students to add to the class collection.
Many strategies from equitable teaching frameworks (e.g., culturally responsive pedagogy) address ways to integrate students’ cultural values and community history into the physical space of the science classroom. For example, in Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, Zaretta Hammond provides some ideas about classroom design[1 ].
For more information, see Motivation as a Tool for Equity
Reserve space for a Driving Question Board[2a ,3a ] or a “suggestion box” of topics students are interested in learning about. Ideas for introducing a Driving Question Board are included under “Foundational Activities,” below.
Keep a bulletin board in the classroom to post interesting science-related news clips, products, museum brochures, learning opportunities available in the community (e.g., events), etc. for students to browse and add to.

Foundational Activities for Classroom Climate

Create a “welcome” packet to distribute to all students.
  • Compile a set of resources/documents that invites students into a community setting. Consider including:
    • Pictures of you doing science in different places
    • A list of scientists from diverse groups and fields that includes their pictures and accompanies a statement like, “Who do you see that inspires you?”
    • Cool local spots to observe or investigate interesting phenomena
    • A “get to know your teacher” diagram
    • A list of school resources
    • Specific ways/times students can seek your help academically and otherwise (e.g., seating assignment)
  • For new students who join the class later in the year, have extra packets handy to use as the basis for a one-on-one check-in
Use getting-to-know-you activities to give students the opportunity to share important information about themselves with the teacher (providing insights to the teacher about how to create relevance connections), and often to learn about the teacher in return.
  • Index card activity:
    • Side One: students write their first and last names and decorate cards with things that interest them (science and non-science)
    • Side Two: “If you really know me you would know that…” Students list 5 things that they want other people in the class to know about “me,” and then personal information that they only want the teacher to know
    • Teacher takes cards home, files them by class and studies them at home. Teacher alludes to 5 things that are on the cards when seeing students in passing ##Teacher does the same task on a public poster in the classroom so that students can talk to the teacher and get to know him/her
  • Exchange getting-to-know-you surveys or introductory letters to build relationships and collect information for future classroom experiences. Possible prompts include, “What do you want me to know about you?” “How do you feel about science?” etc.
    • Variation: Ask students’ caregiver(s) to write a letter to provide insight into outside interests, life events, and family dynamics
  • These activities also work well for new students regardless of the time of enrollment
  • Continue building on this initial knowledge of students throughout the year (e.g., spend a few minutes each day talking to different students, or administer a mid-semester survey)
Learn about and adopt strategies from equitable teaching frameworks (e.g., culturally responsive pedagogy, anti-bias education) to help build a respectful, inclusive, and supportive classroom community that honors all student experiences, collectively agrees upon and upholds classroom norms, and establishes and promotes safety to share ideas and acknowledge personal values. For example, Learning for Justice offers a free, self-paced professional development module on using principles from culturally responsive pedagogy to develop classroom culture[4 ].
For more information, see Motivation as a Tool for Equity
Have students write a “science autobiography” in which they describe previous experiences with science and/or science-related interests or wonderings. In addition to helping students reflect on their own connections to science, this assignment can provide teachers with valuable personalized information early in the year to inform decisions about learning supports, equitable practices, and relevance connections that will best serve their particular students.
For more information, see Motivation as a Tool for Equity
Have students cut out from magazines or bring in science-related articles/images that are interesting or relevant to them and create a collage to display in the classroom and add onto throughout the year. Find opportunities to refer to the topics depicted in these collages during instruction.
Provide students an illustrated list of diverse professionals across science fields as an “explore as you wish” resource at the beginning of the year. Ask for 1 to 2 student volunteers each day to share out something they explored on their own.
Use a Driving Question Board (DQB)[2b ,3b ] where students are encouraged to generate their own questions. Writing down their own questions for the DQB helps students to direct their own learning and inquiry. The continued use of the DQB provides students with the ongoing opportunity to direct their own inquiry.
  • Tools like the Google Jamboard app,[5 ] which store questions to the cloud, can provide helpful resources for creating a DQB
Learn about and adopt strategies from equitable teaching frameworks (e.g., culturally responsive pedagogy, anti-bias education) to help invite all students into science, including those who may not have a well-developed science identity or who may feel alienated from science. For example, Dr. Kathy Chen from Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s STEM Education Center has compiled a list of anti-racism resources and articles for science educators[6 ]
For more information, see Motivation as a Tool for Equity