
Get Involved!

Following the initial collaborative design of the M-PLANS PL approach in 2019-20, we are looking to invite an expanded group of teachers to participate in the revised PL. We hope to recruit teachers from schools that can demonstrate administrative and teacher buy-in with the M-PLANS process and that maximize the teacher and student diversity across our project participants.

M-PLANS is seeking middle school science teachers to participate in the rollout phase of the project during the 2021-22 academic year.

What does involvement look like?

We ask that collaborating teachers:

  • Attend M-PLANS PL to learn about student motivation and how to design NGSS-aligned lesson plans that support and encourage student engagement in science
  • Plan for and implement the M-PLANS strategies in one unit of science instruction for at least one class
  • Document your implementation of M-PLANS strategies and tools through:
    • Video recording a selection of lessons
    • Providing teaching artifacts (lesson plans, teaching materials, etc.) with annotations/indications of strategies used
  • Provide feedback on the PL, tools, and implementation. We may ask you to provide this feedback in writing or through a survey, interview, or focus group.
  • Use project-developed tools to elicit student perceptions of their own engagement and their classroom experiences.
  • Administer one NGSS-aligned science assessment in participating classrooms. 

Testimonials from our 2019-20 participating teachers can be found here.

Interested Clark County Teachers
Interested Michigan Teachers